Key to a Successful Fitness Journey



Ndengo Mwilelo, Assistant Lifesyle Editor

You often hear people telling you to take care of yourself. Have you ever wondered what they meant by that?

Taking care of yourself is to make sure your mind and body are in conjunction with each other. It’s important to take some time off from your busy lives and make sure you are well, both mentally and physically. 

Life can be about achieving your dreams and goals. In accomplishing all those, you must take care of your body because your dream will come true when you are in good health. 

If you were to ask me a few months ago, how well I took care of myself? I would have said very little. For the past five years, I’ve been dealing with a loss of red blood cells. To gain blood, I had to be on iron medications all the time. If you are like me, then you hate taking pills. On one of my worst day, I had to make multiple trips to the hospital to perform tests, including taking a blood transfusion. Listen to me when I say taking iron medications and a blood transfusion in the same day is not fun.

After that, I decided to find a natural cure through fitness. While I am not a professional doctor, I knew making this healthy change would take me in the direction toward finding a cure.

Your fitness journey will become meaningful the moment you decide to give it a meaning.  Most importantly, taking care of yourself through fitness will be a moment that won’t disappoint you. If you decide to embark on this healthy journey, here are a few things to consider: 

What is the Purpose

You must ask yourself why you started this journey in the first place. Once you know that, everything else will come together. Knowing your purpose will help you with what you are trying to accomplish. That can be attending the gym two days a week or doing cardio at home once a week. Knowing the purpose of your fitness journey will uplift you whenever you feel down. Let your purpose guide you through the journey.

Consistency is the Key

Don’t expect the best result in a month. You will achieve your goals when you do what you need to do consistently. When it becomes a habit, you will then find a time in your busy schedule. Believe me or not, you have time somewhere in your day to add 30 minutes or one hour to exercise. Working out with consistency is a crucial part of reaching the best fitness results. Creating a workout plan can help you accomplish your goals down the road.. It will be a good habit because it will be beneficial to you one way or another. Your fitness journey will become more enjoyable once you make it a habit.

Invest in it

An investment is defined as the purchase of goods that are not consumed today but are used in the future to create wealth, according to Investopedia. Think of your fitness journey as an investment. It might not make you wealthy or be immediate, but it will make you healthy. Investment in your fitness journey doesn’t have to be monetary. Think of it as an investment in your well-being. Committing to your fitness plan will require time and resources.

Don’t Be Hard on Yourself

It won’t always be sweet. Keep in mind that sometimes even doing simple cardio will be painful. But don’t be too hard on yourself, you are human and you are not perfect. Some days you will wake up all excited to exercise and some other days you won’t. If you are not in the mood to work out, then don’t push it. Good things are not supposed to be pushed and your body works the same way. Your body is your boss and you will get along with it when you listen to it. Being hard on yourself isn’t the right approach to your fitness process.


Physical activity and exercise are among the things you need to add to your daily activities. As college students, you are busy with your academics and your personal lives so it’s not easy to incorporate everything into your schedules. However, it would be best if you started somewhere and staying active is an essential part of your well-being. So, whether you exercise for competitions, health reasons or simply just for fun, being physical is what matters.