Top 5 Study Spots on Campus
May 4, 2022
Our university has study spots in almost every building and scattered across campus, but some are better than others. Here are a few that might be some of the best places at Central to cram for final exams or finish up the rest of your projects.
5. Vance Lawn Tent

The Vance Lawn Tent is the perfect place to set up and study on a warm day when it’s not being used. There’s plenty of open tables, space, and shade to go around. Most of the time, the lawn is pretty quiet, but you still get to enjoy the fresh air.
4. Barnard Tables

The few tables outside of Barnard Hall are perfect if you prefer an outdoor environment that’s sometimes busy, but not too loud or distracting. The tables offer full sunshine and a look over campus that’s hard to beat.
3. Memorial Hall

The study rooms underneath the Memorial Hall Dining Hall offer peace and quiet in a hidden gem location. The rooms are usually pretty empty, but some have sectioned-off tables, so you can always find privacy.
2. Bassett Hall

The lobby of Basset Hall is the perfect indoor spot for someone who wants somewhere that won’t ever be too quiet, but isn’t usually too busy, either. The lobby has natural light and comfortable couches to sit in and get work done any time of the day.
1. Library Bookstacks

If you’re looking for a true hidden, perfectly quiet spot, the book stacks in the Elihu Burritt Library are the perfect option. Tucked in between the rows of novels are a few single tables or desks for students to set up at. So you won’t ever be disturbed and you depending on the season, there’s almost always an open table to find as long as you keep looking.