Technology Is Evolving Faster Than Humanity. What Does The Future Hold For Us?

Bruna Vila Artigues, Assistant News Editor

When I was around eight years old, I watched an anime movie in which technology had taken over the world. People had become so lazy that they had lost sensibility of their legs and had to move around in flying machines. It made me cringe. And it still does. Am I going to end like this?

Crazy and unimaginable technology keeps being invented at the speed of light. Did you know that there is a toothbrush that uses an app to show photos and live videos of the inside of your mouth? Or a toaster that can print your face on the bread?

The humans’ ambition to create and make money might actually be working against us instead of for us. Do not get me wrong, I would not be able to go anywhere without Google Maps or to call my family from Spain without FaceTime. However, is it necessary to have a robot running around Stop & Shop to identify safety hazards when a real person can do it?

Robots and artificial intelligence are supposed to be big breakthroughs these following years. A new report by the Brookings Institution found out that, “approximately 25 percent of U.S. employment (36 million jobs in 2016) will face high exposure to automation in the coming decades.” Say bye to cashiers, drivers, bankers, security guards and postal workers, just to mention some. Even journalists are in danger. Big newspapers and even The Press Association have produced articles and stories with artificial intelligence.

Imagine that you are waiting for an Uber and a car pulls up with no one sitting on the driver’s seat. Imagine you go to the cafeteria and a robot is serving you the broccoli and chicken. Imagine you get a job in a warehouse and your partner is an automated machine.

Where is the beauty in that? What about the typical conversations with the taxi driver, the “enjoy your food” of the cafeteria worker and the maybe long-lasting friendship with a coworker?

Personally, if I ever make it to the real world and get a real job, I want to have human relationships instead of a cold conversation with a machine. I want to go for a walk, get a coffee, have intimate talks and laugh and cry with them. I want to feel the human connection everywhere I go.

I have always remembered that scene in the movie, in which people had no mobility in their legs, because they had nothing to do. Technology was everywhere. Technology had outsmarted us humans. I thought to myself “How scary would it be if we ended like this?” However, now that it seems like the world cannot live without technology, I do not think I was that far from reality.