New Year, New Parking System for CCSU

Kristina Vakhman

Central’s new parking system has been met with mixed reactions.

Bruna Artigues Villa, Assistant News Editor

New beginnings always come with changes and Central Connecticut is no exception. The Fall 2019 Semester welcomed in a new parking system on campus, in which commuters, resident students, staff and faculty have been assigned parking zones.

With the new system being established, the Central community has certain concerns and disagreements involving losing approximately 300 parking spaces due to the several ongoing construction projects.

Construction is taking place all over campus which includes the renovation of Barnard Hall, the Library surface parking lot becoming the Engineering building and the new 600-car parking garage on Manafort Drive.

“It is impossible to fully satisfy everyone – no matter how much we wish to,” Sal Cintorino, Interim Chief Facilities Officer stated in an email. 

Some Central students took to social media to display their concerns. This past week, Twitter has been just one site where students have expressed their dissatisfaction even describing CCSU’s parking situation as “trash” on multiple occasions.

“How do I receive compensation for the sleep I have lost over CCSU’s parking situation,” (@HudickAmanda,) Amanda Hudick said. 

 “Wonder how much money CCSU made today from ticketing just about everyone from their new parking system,(@baileyje1213,) Jessica Bailey said. 

The assigned parking zones means there are limitations throughout campus as to where certain people can park.

Some Central students are not pleased with the distribution of zones since they are restricted and told where to park.

As part of Phase 1 of CCSU’s parking plan, several lots that used to be shared by commuting and resident students are now divided and off-limits to one of the two parties.

One of the changes said to be the most inconvenient for students is Copernicus garage, which is now assigned solely to resident students and has limited availability to staff and faculty.

“Losing Copernicus garage was a killer because the majority of people who parked there in the past were commuters,” Derick Raganit, who commutes said. 

“As soon as I got off the highway I parked in Copernicus,” commuter Anissa Lara said. “It doesn’t make sense to park at Mid and have Mid residents park at Copernicus.”

Some students and faculty have found it to be especially difficult to find parking later on in the day.

“From what I’ve noticed so far, the only guaranteed parking lot during the day is the lot behind Hilltop which is super far away from most of my classes,” Raganit said. “You pretty much have to get to campus at least half an hour early to find a spot and be on time for class.”

“My professor told the class that it took her 45 minutes to find a parking spot the other day,” Ashley Forker said. 

Resident student Carly Reynolds disapproves of living in Mid and having a parking zone located on the other side of campus.

“It is around an eight-minute walk,” Reynolds said.  “Let’s say you want a late-night snack or groceries and you have to walk back with all that stuff by yourself. At night, for me personally as a female, it is pretty dangerous to be walking around.”

However, not all Central students oppose the new parking changes being put into place and have been adjusting to the changes made.

“It is good for organizational purposes and safety and makes it easier for new students or staff to know where to park,” commuter Amanda Dixon said.  

Starting Sept. 16, anyone not following the new parking regulations will be fined. Those in need of parking decals may look for assistance from the parking tents around campus.