Not Your Body, Not Your Business

Air Perez, Staff Writer

Warmer weather is approaching soon, and I just wanted to give a reminder that we need to be respectful as it gets hotter. Some people are going to choose to show more skin, while others are going to choose to remain covered. Either way, we should not bash people for their bodies or clothing choices.

Summer; my nightmare since I was younger. As the flowers start to bloom and the days become longer, I start to panic. You can’t get away with an over-sized sweater or a chunky scarf in the summer. You can’t hide behind a big coat or layers of extra clothes. Showing more skin is the only solution to survive the summer.

We’ve heard of people having seasonal depression in the colder months, but mine occurs in the warmer months. The fear of judgment and the fear of revealing my skin plague my mind as the weather starts to get warmer. But why do I feel this way about summer? Why do I feel so anxious about a time that everyone else is excited for and looks forward to?

The answer is because of the comments people make about my body and my clothing choices. My goal every summer is to wear as much clothing as I possibly can without making myself drown in sweat. I stick to t-shirts with longer sleeves and beach cover-ups. I wear sweat-shorts that are longer than a typical pair of shorts. Even with all of these adjustments for the sake of my own comfort, I’m still criticized by people for covering myself too much.

I’ve heard everything from “you’re making me hot” to “you should take that off,” and “why are you wearing that it’s too hot outside for that.” These comments are also from the same people who criticize me for wearing more revealing clothing. I can’t win in the summer. If I wear too little clothing, it makes people uncomfortable. If I wear too much clothing, it still makes people uncomfortable.

I want to remind everyone that summer is quickly approaching and we all need to be respectful when it comes to other peoples’ bodies. Yes, even curvier people are allowed to feel comfortable in the summer. Please do not stare, snicker, make rude comments under your breath or point at someone who is plus-sized who is just trying to feel comfortable during very uncomfortable weather. These things should be avoided whether someone is wearing minimal clothing or a lot of clothing in the summer. This also applies to the beach. For many people, including myself, the beach can be one of the most uncomfortable places to go. It’s very hard for some people to go to the beach when they are self-conscious about their body. If someone wants to keep their shirt and shorts on, or they want to wear a bikini, who are you to tell someone that they can’t or shouldn’t?

We have to remember that summer is hot and can be uncomfortable for a variety of reasons. As a society, we need to stop focusing so much on the bodies of others and what someone else is wearing. Making comments about someone else’s body is not only damaging, but it can also stress the person out and make getting dressed an even harder task.

Summer should be the time of the year for people to de-stress and have fun, but we also have to keep in mind that not everyone sees summer as an escape. Instead, some people see it as the worst time of the year. Think about how many times you make a comment about someone else’s body, and start tracking it. You will realize that we focus on bodies so much to the point where it becomes dehumanizing. People are more than their bodies which is something we tend to forget, and I think we all need to be reminded of that.