President Trump Got A Physical. I Don’t Care
The media should focus on more important issues than President Donald Trump’s physical exam.
February 16, 2019
In recent and unimportant news, President Donald Trump had a physical medical exam and, spoiler alert, he passed.
Now, why is this news? Why do the American people need to know that our president went to the doctor this week? Is there really nothing else left news-wise to be covered? Because I can name you about a dozen more important events that happened this week that have drastically affected our country other than the man in the White Houses’ doctor’s appointment.
Children are still being separated from their families, gun violence is still a major issue, an unnecessary amount of money is being thrown into that godforsaken wall and extreme measures have been put in place toward the transgender community serving in our military. And yet, major news platforms think that a doctor’s visit is the news we Americans signed up for.
But it is not news. We all know what goes down when you see your doctor for a check-up. They tell you to say “aah,” they ask you to cover one eye and read off some super tiny letters on a board a mile away, followed by some unsolicited advice about how to lead a healthier life. Then they give you a sticker and a pretzel rod and send you on your way home. It is everyday life, not news.
The dictionary defines news as “a report of a recent event; previously unknown information; something having a specified influence or effect.”
Now, let’s break that down. If you want to call Trump going to the doctor an event, then be my guest. Yes, it is technically unknown information, but would your life be any different having not known that? Lastly, and most importantly, this entire situation had no influence on me, it did not make me want to go and schedule my next physical and I can guarantee no one’s life was changed for better or worse hearing that he went to the doctor. So, that doesn’t sound like news to me.
News to me is hearing about the pollution in our oceans and reading up on the wonderful humans who are taking a stand to stop contributing to the waste and finding out how I can help. News to me is being kept up-to-date with how Puerto Rico is still recovering from Hurricane Maria over a year later and how they still need our help. News to me is not that Trump went to the doctor just like he has done every year before since the day he was born. The coverage of this seems more like a tabloid report of, “Celebrities, They’re Just Like Us.”
Maybe I would care about Trump’s doctor’s visit when he was just the guy mumbling “you’re fired” at washed-up celebrities. But sadly now, America is in his hands.
So, no Fox News, no CNN: I do not care that Trump is “just like us.” The fact that he got a physical is not important. Now please, can we get back to the major issues affecting our country?