The Recorder

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  • M

    Michael WalshApr 15, 2009 at 11:22 am

    Highball with the Devil is credited to Les Claypool and The Holy Mackerel. He was greatly aided by Adam Gates, Jay Lane, Charlie Hunter and others.

    Purple Onion is the studio album from The Les Claypool Frog Brigade. It once again was considered a band, aided by Skerik, Eenor, Mike Dillon and others.

    Most others consider them to be bands and most written pieces that I’ve read consider Of Fungi and Foe to be his second solo album. Even his last two albums, while labeled as solo, have a lot of input from other artists such as Mike Dillon and Sam Bass.

    I will agree that both Purple Onion and the Holy Mackerel records are superior to his last two, which I loved, but to call them solo records is in my opinion not true.

  • E

    ecwfnrApr 2, 2009 at 8:40 am

    Of Whales and Woe was not Claypool’s first solo effort, he released Highball with the Devil, basically a solo album, in 1996 and Purple Onion in ’02. IMO both a light years better then his last two efforts.

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Album Review: Les Claypool’s ‘Of Fungi and Foe’