Self Love And Fashion

Julia Conant, Arts & Entertainment Editor

C.A.N. turned fashion shows on their head last week. While the stigma is that fashion shows typically promote unrealistic expectations, however, C.A.N.’s fashion show was based around body positivity and inclusivity.

Circus week kicked off with “Self Love Fits Fashion,” where Central students walked the runway in clothes that made them feel confident about themselves and their bodies. The idea came from Tia Meares, the wellness chair of C.A.N., because she wanted to be a part of promoting promote body acceptance.

A poster board sat at the front of Semesters stating, “Loving Yourself is the Greatest Revolution.” Students were directed to stick a color-coded sticky note on the board, representing where they are in their self love journey. For example, one color represented complete self acceptance, while another symbolized that the student is still working on loving themself.

Amara Osorio, the President of PRIDE club, introduced the event and discussed why it’s important to promote self love in today’s society. She prompted audience members to raise their hand if they have ever felt less beautiful because of social media in which many of them did.

“These Instagram models have their detox cleanses, and their teas, telling us that we need to lose weight. Telling us that we need to malnourish ourselves in order to be beautiful,” Osorio said. “You know? It’s really hard.”

Osorio also shared personal experiences of times when she didn’t feel as beautiful as she was. She recalled standing in the mirror next to her muscular, dolled-up mother and feeling like her “ugly lesbian friend.” 

“And I remember she just stood there,” Osorio said. “She looked at me, and she looked back at her and she said, ‘Don’t worry. You’ll never be as pretty as I am.’ I laugh about it now because I ran out crying from the room that day.”

The models came on stage one by one, each receiving their moment in the spotlight. Their confident walks and striking outfits sent a message to the audience that confidence is key.

Julia Conant
Male models walked the catwalk in their best suits and ties.
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Women of Central showed off the outfits that make them feel confident.
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Amara Osorio hosted the event, detailing how important it is to work on self love and recounting personal experiences.
Julia Conant
Jordyn Williams was one of the students featured in the fashion show, debuting the dress she would wear to the winter formal later in the week.