Central’s Carnegie Community Engagement Designation Renewed

Isabella Chan, Editor-In-Chief

Central Connecticut has been awarded the Carnegie Community Engagement designation from Brown University.

The designation will be for another six years, according to a public statement released by President Dr. Zulma Toro. The exclusive classification is considered to be a high honor as it is from the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.

In order to qualify, a university must receive an evaluation with evidence documenting the institution’s practices while participating in service learning activities in their local community, region and state. The university initially earned the classification in 2011 and sustained the title after reapplying last fall.

The Carnegie Community Engagement recognition highlights the collaboration of higher educational knowledge and resources among the public and private levels of a community. Through these relationships, various sectors will be enhanced through research, creative activity and an improved curriculum. Additionally, Brown University states it will “strengthen democratic values and civic responsibility,” within members of the community and allow opportunities to “address critical societal issues and contribute to the public good.”

“I am so very proud to lead a team committed to serving as stewards of Central Connecticut,” Dr. Toro said. “Our work with and on behalf of our communities to address local, real-world problems and improve the quality of life for all enriches our students’ educational experience. This is why community engagement factors heavily in our new strategic plan.”

Community engagement projects that the university has joined throughout the years includes the Ana Grace Project’s “Love Wins” initiative, partnerships with local businesses in the New Britain and greater Hartford area, CCSU Days of Service, and a number of service learning courses that assist residents within the local area.

Dr. Toro added the decision letter from the foundation, which stated that the university’s application “documented excellent alignment among campus mission, culture, leadership, resources, and practices that support dynamic and noteworthy community engagement.”