Central’s New Decade Resolutions Will Cost Over $80 Million

Isabella Chan, Editor-In-Chief

After restructuring the “Strategic Plan 2030: Changing Lives, Building Communities; Central to Connecticut,” a draft has been submitted to the Faculty Senate; within the executive summary, it is estimated that Central Connecticut will be investing over $80 million in a 10 year period. This conclusion has come after the university reshaped their goals following the feedback received during a forum in Dec. 2019.

President Dr. Zulma Toro collaborated with the Strategic Planning Steering Committee (SPSC) and the University Budget and Planning Committee (UBPC) in order to navigate the plans, finances and overall vision for the future.

The executive summary concluded that with an $80 million investment, the university will have an estimated $96 million in expense reduction/increased revenue available to counter it. This revenue will come from the focus on five bold goals by university:

  1. Enhancing Academic Excellence and Preparing Graduates to Thrive in a Changing Economy
  2. Increasing Access to Higher Education and Ensuring Student Success
  3. Fostering an Inclusive and Safe Campus Culture that Values and Encourages Individuals to Participate in a Free and Respectful Exchange of Ideas
  4. Strengthening Stewardship–Advancing Scholarship,Service Learning, and Community Development for the Public Good
  5. Assuring Sustainability for the Future

The goals were specifically created to help CCSU achieve their mission of development and application of knowledge and ideas to the citizens of their campus community. With the 2030 action plan, improvements and higher level of success is said to be achieved in various sectors, specifically in education and campus culture.

“Central’s accomplishments have been driven by the collective and individual commitments to our important mission, and the promise of public higher education as a means of social mobility and cultural and social development,” Dr. Toro stated in a public address.

“To build upon that success, your individual contributions in the strategic planning process will inform our collective vision. I am committed to providing every opportunity for all of our stakeholders to describe their vision for the future of Central,” Dr. Toro continued.

Major concerns of the action plan included I corporating environmental sustainability as well as improving the opportunities for full- and part-time faculty to collaborate and recognize the value of part-time faculty.

Due to this, the plan was accommodated to the concerns adding objectives to “continue to implement mitigation strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as outlined in the Climate Action Plan and in the objectives of the Governor’s Council on Climate Change.”

This will be enacted with activities like developing more energy-efficient systems to buildings and promoting sustainable hobbies across campus.

Additionally, the goal to build upon a culture of respect, collegiality and teamwork within the CCSU family will hope to be accomplished by incorporating activities that will create opportunities   for part-time staff as much as full-time. Along with that, there will be emphasis on the value of teamwork and respect.

This past Mon., Jan. 27, the plan, which was submitted for approval to the Faculty Senate. It has yet to be announced if the plan was approved.