News In Brief
October 2, 2019
CT Sees Rise In Poverty, Census Says:
Connecticut is the only state in the country that saw an increase in poverty in 2018, according to new data from the United States Census.
The state is still considered to be one of the least impoverished in the U.S., with its poverty rate at 10.4 percent compared to some as high as 16 percent. Still, experts from the American Community Survey say the trend is heading in the wrong direction.
Unlike Connecticut, Puerto Rico and 14 other states saw a decrease in poverty for the 2018 year.
The census offers no reason as to why poverty increased in the state.
Safety of Trump Impeachment Whistleblower ‘Endangered:’
Concern over the safety of the “Trump Impeachment Whistleblower” is growing since the transcript of the call with the president and the leader of Ukraine was released. Safety concerns hit their peak after the New York Times published a detailed article that compromised the anonymity of the whistleblower.
The transcript, which was released last week, showed Trump pressed Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate former vice president and 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden and his son about corruption allegations.
Democrats said the whistleblower will testify in front of Congress when steps are taken to ensure his or her safety.
The whistleblower prompted a former impeachment inquiry by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, though Republicans say it is unlikely to get passed the Senate, which is ruled by the GOP.
Massive Iceberg Breaks Off Antarctica:
An iceberg just a bit smaller than Scottland Isle of Skye — 1017 miles — broke off of Antarctica’s Amery ice shelf, BBC News reported.
The iceberg, named D28, is an estimated 315 billion tons and had shown “massive” cracks for years, according to scientists. The block is so large that it has to be monitored to ensure the safety of ships.
A one trillion tonne iceberg broke off Antarctica in 2017 as a result of climate change.