Get Quizzical With History Club

Gabriel Anton

Throughout the semester, there are many interesting and unique events held on Thursday nights in the Devils Den section of the Student Center. In fact, all of these “Devils Den @ 10 p.m.” events seek to integrate the student population in a social setting evident with opportunities of meeting new people, getting to know various clubs and organizations around campus, and overall enjoying an end of the week night with friends or family.

Previous popular events include the Meet the Greeks Night (9/27), which probes your interest in joining any of the diverse and amicable fraternities on campus, hosted by the Inter-Greek Council, as well as the Spookappella Halloween Karaoke Night (10/25), hosted by the A Cappella Society. The Dia De Los Muertos Night, celebrating one of Mexico’s most popular holidays, The Day of the Dead, took place from Oct. 31 to Nov. 2, and was hosted by the Latin American Student Organization and Centrals Organization for Latin American Dance Awareness.

Adding to this impressive lineup is the History Club Trivia Night, hosted by CCSU’s own History Club. This was the first “Devils Den @ 10 p.m.” event this club hosted this semester.

The game was history trivia, and participants in the event were asked to form groups with those around them, encouraging students to put their heads together with new friends while they embark in a competition for the various appealing prizes. Each group developed a team name for themselves and competed in three, ten question rounds for raffle tickets for each team member. The prizes were: a selection of CCSU merchandise: including a hat, water bottle, and string backpack, a selection of CCSU miscellaneous items: including a tree ornament, a box of (blue) hot chocolate, some CCSU gloves and headband, and as the grand prize: a pair of illustrious wireless BeatsTM earbuds.

“We’ve always wanted to [host a CCSU] event as an academic club. We have a lot of resources and want a larger membership for everything that we have to offer,” said At-Large Senator and current History Club member, Amanda King.

CCSU’s History Club was established in 2012 and has been expanding their resources, membership, and outlets ever since. King, who joined last spring, feels like this event provides as much positive impact on the current history club members as the prospective students who chose to participate. The club emphasizes an academic atmosphere at any of its events, where all active 20 members get to strengthen their knowledge of the wide range of history topics prevalent for their future endeavors.

“At the end of the day, the objective of history club is to enhance the experience of history majors and minors by talking about registering for what classes, degree evaluations, professors, and events going on in the department and internships,” King describes.

The History Club works closely with Student Activities and Leadership Development department, which funds history club and is in charge of organizing the “Devils Den @ 10 p.m.” events. The club’s relation with SA/LD graduate intern, history club member, and the Student Government Association advisor, Lindsey Martinez, helped them acquire the spot for Thursday night’s event.

“What inspired us to do trivia was when he had our own booth at the homecoming tailgate. We had a small jeopardy board and it seemed inviting and it was really fun, and especially since we are an academic, and a lot of History Club is spreading information that we know and having discussions and learning cool things. We all have such different and diverse parts of history that we like, I think that trivia was obvious,” King reveals.

Based off the turnout, the quality of the trivia, and the thrill of participation, it was a very impressive outing for just two weeks of preparation. Everyone had fun, and everyone received some sort of consolidation prize, whether it was free food or a plethora of candies.

As for the trivia itself, as history major and question creator, Sophomore Greg Stefanko said, “…the questions were suitable for the participants who weren’t in History Club, but were also difficult enough for the History majors to enjoy.” The questions focused around American History only for this matter, as a wider breadth of topics might have been too unfamiliar with the general participant population.

After this successful “Devils Den @ 10 p.m.” event, be sure to check out future events on theLink@CCSU. If you are curious about the History Club, you can get more information by emailing: [email protected]. Their weekly meetings are Thursdays at 6 p.m. in the History Department Conference room (216-13).