How To Practice Kindness

 We all need kindness in our life. We need those people who brighten us up or make us feel better about ourselves. It isn’t hard to give a second of your time to someone in need because that second could change someone else’s life without you even realizing it. It is important to spread kindness to everyone because everybody needs it. Here is how you can make this campus or even your life a better place: 

Try to make someone’s else day  

When you receive a compliment, it makes you feel better about yourself. Sometimes we all get so absorbed in what we are doing that we forget who we are. Compliment someone, whether it’s about a body trait, their outfit or their personality. If someone is having a horrible day, sometimes just giving them positivity or good advice could be enough for them to keep going. If you notice someones good quality, do not be afraid to tell them. It could make someones day to know they are noticed in a positive way. 

Make a friend 

We all need friends. We are social human beings, but sometimes it’s hard for certain people to make friends more than others.  Be bold and make the first move, like starting a conversation with a stranger and getting to know them. Friendships blossom with communication. For those people who find it difficult to approach others or make conversation, making a new friend can make them feel a lot better about themselves. It can be lonely, especially on campus, so helping someone out and being there for them can be the kindest thing you can ever do. And who knows? Maybe they will be your best friend or a bridesmaid at your wedding. It all starts with someone making the first move.

Be a good listener 

Sometimes people need to talk about how they feel. It isn’t easy finding someone who can be there and listen to them. By listening to how they feel when people vent, it can lift the metaphorical weights off their shoulders. So ask someone how they are and listen. Maybe that’s what someone needs right now; a friend who will be there for them and give good advice. 

Do random act of kindness 

The best kindness is a random act of kindness where you do something without any intentions of getting something back. People need this type of service once and a while. Open a door for someone, give someone a considerable tip where you eat or at the bar, walk someone down the street or help someone carry their bags. Anything you do can make someone feel better about themselves and can make their life easier. 

Tell your loved ones how grateful you are 

We take a lot of things for granted, and usually, we keep doing so until they are no longer there for us anymore. Text your mother and tell her how much you love her. Thank your dad for being there for you and having a roof on your head or food on the table. Or tell your best friend how grateful you are for always being there for you through your ups and downs. Tell your teacher that you thank them for helping you out with an assignment. And most importantly, be kind to yourself. We forget to love ourselves sometimes, but we must let ourselves know that we are doing great and celebrate who we are. 

Kindness doesn’t need a price tag. If you have good intentions, you can make people feel happier. You are doing this world a favor. We have so many stressful events going on in our lives and someone cheering us on, even if it’s just for a day, can make a difference. Your kindness can save a life.